Jumat, 06 Maret 2009
~ho ho ho ho~
waktu terus berjalan terus tanpa titik atau pun koma...
karena itu...
kitaa harus senan tiasa berubah, dan harus muali dari dini hari memperbaiki diri mu
kita tahu bahwa
masa lalu adalah kenangan
sekarang adalah perjuangan
besok adalah harapan
Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009
~Opinion about bid'ah~~

jikalau kita semua ingin berpegang teguh pada kitab Allah dan kenyataan yang digambarkan didalmnya tentulah kita tidak akan gegabah dalam hal ibadah. kebanyakan orang mengatakan bid'ah itu terbagi dua yaitu :
bid'ah Hasanah dan bid'ah Dholalah
padahal dalam konteks hadits nya tidak ada yang namanaya bid'ah Hasanah ataupun bid'ah dholalah...
kita lihat kembali sabda rasulullah SAW :
"setiap bid'ah itu adalah sesat dan setiap yang sesat itu ada di neraka"
kebanyakan orang menyalah artikan pengertian bid'ah mereka menganggap kalau misalkan bid'ah dalam ibadah itu dilarang mengapa kita justru melakukannya dalam kelakuan sehari-hari.
perlu diketahui bahwa yang namanya bid'ah itu yang dilarang itu adalah dalam hal pribadahan bukan dalam kelakuan kita, contohnya kita mengadakan peringatan maulid nabi padahal dalam konteks sejarahnya peringatan maulid nabi itu dilakukan ketika sahabat yang mau berperang kehilangan semangatnya maka tatkala itu ada dari salah seorang sahabat yang mengusulkan untuk memperingati maulid nabi. jadi disini antum semua harus membaca kembali bahwa yang namanya bid'ah itu tidak ada yang Hasanah karena kalau misalkan kita lihat dalam konteks hadist setiap bid'ah itu sesat dan yang sesat itu di neraka..
masa kesessatan disurga..???
karena itu kita harus mengkaji kembali apakah ibadah yang kita lakukan itu sesuai dengan apa yang di contohkan oleh rasulullah karena jangan sampai
"udahmah cape, geus di gawe, buruhna di teke, eh..tung-tung na mah teu kapake..sue!!!"
jadi jangan sampai sesuatu yang kita lakukan dalam ibadah itu ditambah-tambahkan karena kalau misalkan kita menambah-nambahkan sesuatu yang baru dalam ibadah bukan pahala yang kita dapat melainkan siksa karena kita sudah membuat sesuatu yang tidak dicontohkan oleh rasul kita Muhammad SAW....
~wrong use of Bid'ah~
ketika sesuatu hal yang baru dalam ibadah dilakukan oleh umat islam, terkadang mereka tidak menyadari dan bahkan mereka justru semakin membuat sesuatu hal yang baru itu seolah-olah ada di jaman rasulullah dan ada dalam keridoan Allah. Padahal yang namanya sesuatu yang baru dalam ibadah yang tidak ada dasarnya dari rasulullah SAW maka hal tersebut adalah sesuatu yang ditolak sebagaimana sabda rasulullah SAW :
"Barang siapa yang mengerjakan suatu amalan yang tidak ada perintahnya dari ku (Rasulullah) maka sesungguhnya amalan itu ditolak."
mulai dari sekarang, mari sama-sama kita berpikir sudahkah ibadah yang kita lakukan itu sesuai dengan apa yang diperintahkan oleh Rasulullah SAW...? dan mari sama-sama kita kaji kembali kehidupan yang kita lakukan yang berkaitan dengan islam tempat dimana kita hidup penuh dengan realita dan anggapan bahwa adat istiadat yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat adalah sesuatu yang benar meskipun tidak ada dalam Al-Qur'an dan Sunah-Nya....
terkadang sesuatu yang baru itu memang menyenangkan tapi dalam ibadah tidak ada tolerir bagi orang yang mengadakan sesuatu yang baru yaitu bid'ah
~what is Bid'ah??~
terkadang kita melakukan sesuatu yang menurut kita benar tanpa kita tahu apakah hal yang kita lakukan itu sesuai dengan apa yang terdapat dalam Al-Qur'an dan sunah Rasul. jikalau kita perhatikan realita kehidupan dijaman sekarang yang mungkin sudah mulai terbawa arus globalisasi kebanyakan dari kita melakukan sesuatu dalam hal yang berkaitan dengan ibadah tanpa tahu dasarnya dari mana?
ketika rasulullah SAW akan wafat, beliau memberikan wasiat kepada setiap umat muslim agar berpegang kepada 2 hal yang dimana ketika kita memegang teguh dengan keimanan ke dua hal tersebut maka kita akan selamat dunia akhirat dan tidak ada kebimbangan dalam hati kita.
tahukah antum semua apa dua hal tersebut.....???
itu adalah Kitab Allah dan sunah rasul-Nya....

jikalau antum semua melihat kenyataan jaman sekarang patutlah kita berpikir ternyata ke dua hal tersebut diatas sudah dilupakan oleh umat manusia, bahkan umat islam itu sendiri. jaman sekarang um
itulah yang dinamakan dengan bid'ah yaitu kita melakukan sesuatu tanpa ada contohnya dan tidak tercantum dalam aturan islam yang di ajarkan.....
Senin, 23 Februari 2009
~~my hope....~~
wuehhh....ini pengecualian...
sebenernya saya pake bahasa inggris cuma buat pasang google adsense.....sebenernya saya ga terlalu bisa berbahasa inggris....
langsung aja dah.

semua orang pasti punya angan-angannya masing-masing, dan yang pasti semua orang ingin sukses lahir batin, tetapi bukan berarti kita hanya tergantung oleh orang lain, atau kita hanya bisa santai-santai saja dan sukses datang dengan sendirinya, bukan seperti itu...
...."itu SALAH besar"....
kita harus jadi orang yang tanggap dan mampu menjadi orang yang selalu bersikap kritis, maksudnya jangan malas....
ada tiga hal yang bisa membuat orang menjadi dekat dengan kesuksesan...
1. dream
orang yang memiliki mimpi adalah oarang selalu mempunyai angan-angan dimasa depan nanti, tetapi memiliki angan-angan harus di barengi dengan ketekunan yang setimbang, karena jalan untuk menuju angan-angan itu adalah ketekunan dan kesungguhan kita untuk memdapatkan apa yang kita mau. jadi bermimpilah, dan raihlah mimpi tersebut....!!!
2. dare to failed
jangan takut salah....ya kita haru selalu percaya diri, yakin apa yang kita lakukan itu adalah benar, saat kita sedang berbicara didepan umum kita harus bicara apa yang ada di otak kita dan jangan hiraukan pandangan orang terhadap kita, yakin lah bahwa kita mengatakan hal yang benar....
3. unique
menjadi uniq, atau menjadi beda dariyang lainnya, jangan kita selalu meniru orang lain,jadi lah diri sendiri dan buatlah orang menuruti kita...
setelah mengikuti semuanya jadi lah kau oran gyang sukses di masa depan nanti, dan jangan lah kau lupa diri, bersyukurlah pada yang menciptakan mu...
Senin, 16 Februari 2009
~google adsense~is the best think
succes principle
In Jack Canfield's Book "The Success Principles", he discusses 62 principles to jump start your life and get your from where you are to where you want to be. One of the success principles is To Feel the Fear and Do it Anyways. Every single person has fear. Most of the time you hear that fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. The fear is only in the mind of the person experiencing the fear. The following are 3 ways to live with the fear and succeed:
- Feel it - Feeling the fear means to notice it and move on. If you are feeling the fear, you are taking a risk that will move you to the next level of your personal growth. Feeling fearful is not a bad thing. It is a good thing since you are moving out of your comfort zone into the zone of possibility. Every great person has felt fear over and over again as they undertake a new project.
- Enjoy it - Yes, I said it. Enjoy the fear. Enjoying the fear allows you to be happy as you are going through the process that may be scary. Creating a positive experience can actually help your fear disappear.
- Experience it - Anthony Robbins states that "If you can't, you must. And if you must, you can." That states it simply as you can do any situation that you may feel is scary. You can take those risks that will help you grow. The best thing is to have high intention for a project and low attachment. By having high intention, you take action and not worrying about the result from the action. You just keep moving into towards the goals.
Minggu, 15 Februari 2009
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Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009
100-0 I Kid you Not
One of the biggest youth sports stories this month comes from of all places, girls basketball. If you haven't heard about this one, you really need to get out more, the story has gone viral. While I would prefer watching paint dry or having splinters of wood driven under my fingernails before I would attend a blowout girls basketball game, there may be a lesson here for us youth football coaches. A small Dallas, Texas High School for ADD and ADHD kids with just 20 female students, lost 100-0 last week. That's right sports fans, Covenant Christian ONE HUNDRED , Dallas Academy ZERO, that is not a typo.
The halftime score was 59-0 and the score at the end of three was 88-0. What was so interesting about this story is that the winning team Covenant Christian, pressed for pretty much the entire game. Dallas Academy rarely got the ball past half court, turning the game into what observers called a "layup drill". Dallas Academy had not won a single game in the last four seasons, not one, so it wasn't like Covenant was up 98-0 and feared Dallas Academy was going to go on a 100 point run of its own. In fact as Covenant approached the century mark, the Covenant head coach and a number of their fans were cheering wildly. I have one word for that, WOW. I'm blown away by the score and more so by the attitude and actions of the head coach and their "fans".
No Apology Required
When Covenant administrative officials apologized for the actions of their coach, the Covenant head coach bulled his neck and said that he did nothing wrong at all. He claimed that his kids were playing the game the way it was intended to be played. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those Stuart Smalley guys, you know the "let's not keep score, play every player the same amount, drink juice boxes and sing Kumbaya together after the game coaches". Remember my teams have gone 97-13, we play to win, we aren't playing Intramurals.
The Value of Competitive Sports
Competitive sports are a great learning environment for most kids, but this coach went over the top in my opinion. When you are ahead there is nothing wrong with insuring the win, working on some skills and tactics your team needs work on to improve, and getting your backups reps at executing the base offense and defense. But when it's obvious you have the upper hand and the other team has no chance at a comeback, why keep pressing? One would think after being able to execute the press to a 88-0 third quarter lead, it would be obvious your kids know how to execute the press against a hapless team of beginners. But what about working on the half court game or ANYTHING other than the press?
What did Covenants kids get out of crushing the spirit of the Dallas Academy team? Maybe the girls learned that when you have someone down and out, kick them some more right in the face, then rub their faces in concrete for good measure.
What Then?
Why not let off because you can? When you are up 88-0 it is obvious to every player, coach, and parent who the best team is, there is no doubt. Heck even the disinterested janitor or the little dog in mommy's purse is going to know that one team was vastly superior to the other team. What harm would have come from not pressing in the last quarter or maybe playing a couple of kids out of position? Instead, Dallas Academy has now canceled the remainder of its games. Was Dallas Academy inept? Sure. Poorly coached, probably. Were any of these girls going to go on to play college basketball? No. But the Academy kids will now be deprived of the chance to grow as human beings and develop the deep relationships that most kids get from playing competitive team sports. I hope the Covenant coach is proud of that. maybe he can put that on his resume when he applies for the Duke or Kentucky job.
Coach Gets His Due
In the end the Covenant Coach was fired a week later for basically disagreeing with the schools decision to apologize to Dallas Academy. Academy may be having the last laugh, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban is going to host the Academy team in his Suite at a Maverick game. Hopefully this story will teach those of us coaching youth football a valuable lesson in what not to do.While we didn't have any video of this fiasco, Coach Phantom suggested this video clip as a pretty close rendering of how the match probably went. I'm sure the coaches and fans were as giddy as those in this video about their "HUGE" victory.
Dave Cisar-
~~say .."yes".. to you~~
Guys, here's the deal - it really is not that difficult to make a girl say yes to your requests - no matter if you are fat, broke and ugly. How many times have you seen someone with the belly of Charles Bronson and the receding hairline of Harry Wong walking hand-in-hand with a drop dead gorgeous woman? You may feel baffled, but there are ways to get the woman to want you without the deep pockets or the good looks. Read on to discover two killer ways to make any girl say YES to you...
Technique 1: "The Old Fashioned Gentleman". Now in this information age, emails and phone texting have substituted plain old fashioned letters. Now in order to stand out from the crowd (and more importantly, from the other men!), you should send her a handwritten letter to let her know that you fancy her and then ask her out, giving her specifics on the time and place. This is an overlooked but very effective way to get a date - try it and let me know.
Technique 2: "Non Verbal Communications". What is not often discussed is the fact that women in general is very intuitive - and they can easily figure out if you like her even without you saying it outright! Touching her in a non-sexual way (using a technique called 'kino' by master seducers) will subconsciously send signals of affection to her and in the process generate attraction in her to you. It will also make her feel more comfortable with your presence - which is important in order for her to say YES to you.
Now here's one killer BONUS tactic to make any woman fall in love with you....
Fractionation is considered as a 'dark art' tactic which is the basis of hypnosis-based seduction, and while controversial, it is known to be one of the most effective tactics ever invented by underground seductionists.
It is described in a step-by-step system in the Deadly Seduction Manuscript (http://www.DeadlySeduction.com).
These psychology tactics are highly unconventional techniques that are used by the secret elite in the seduction community. Use at your own risk. I personally vouch for the effectiveness of these tactics, but care must be taken as they could be outright dangerous in the hands of the unscrupulous.